*     Presidents                              **    Artistic Directors                              ***   Accompanists

Myron Sagatyj

Bohdan Sas

​George Sawchak

John Setembrino

Stephen Sikora

Bohdan Siletsky

Dietric Slobodian

Joseph Stabelski

James Starosta

John Starosta

Ihor Stasiuk

Roman Stepaniak**

Ostap Tatomyr

Omelan Tatunchak*

Wolodymyr Tretiak**

Eustachij Trusz

​Bohdan Turczeniuk

Mykola Tymczuk

Michael Wasylenko

Wolodymyr Wirszczuk*

Roman Wompel

Ivan Zadoroznyj**

Bohdan Dunas

Walter Dykan

Oleh Fedak

Mychajlo Ferkuniak

Christine Ftomyn***

Wolodymyr Gnoy

Peter Hankewycz

Oleksa Hawras

John Hawryluk

Stefan Hawrysz

Orest Hladky

Zenovy Izak

Marian Kapij*
Nicolaus Kasian*

Mychajlo Kiczula

Walter Kieba

Roman Knihnicky

Oscar Kobylnyk***

Peter Konchak

Michael Kostryckyj

Serge Kowalchuk

​​​Iwan Kowalsetskiy​​

Zenon Koznarsky

Volodymyr Kril

​Eugene Kuropas

​Petro Kurylenko**

Zenon Kwashynsky

Michael Laszyn

Walter Lupan

Mykola Lutyj

Stefan Makuch

Aleksander Mamchyn

William Mykijewycz

Bohdan Odezynskyj

Ewhen Ostapowych

Ivan Pawlichka

Josyp Podolan

Ihor Prawdiuk*

Samuel Prokopik

Alex Pryszlak

Nicholas Pryszlak

Yuriy Redtschitz

Arthur Rohach

​​Walter Rutecky​​​

Roman Baran

Jaroslaw Bernadyn*

Wladimir Bilous

Alexander Bilyk

Michael Bilyk

Evhen Bilynsky

Oleksander Bilynsky

Dmytro Blahy

Emil Bobyock

Joseph Bochey

​Lidia Bulba***

Michael Buchko

Mychajlo Burchak

Bohdan Chajkowsky

Zenon Chajkowsky

Petro Choriw
Irene Chuma***

Roman Cyhan

Zenon Czornobil

Petro Dlaboha

Wasyl Doroshenko

​Bohdan Dubenko​​​

In Memoriam

As Prometheus continues sharing the gift of Ukrainian song with others, it never forgets its former members who have passed on. The chorus dedicates its continuing success to those who helped get it this far.

+Eternal Memory!   +Вічная Пам’ять!